In Point Sparring the first point scores, a body punch that hits before a jump spinning kick lands is the first point, no matter how amazing that kick is.
Contact is often subjective – please stay consistent with excessive contact calls.
All under 18 competitors must wear a face mask. The facemask IS a target and CAN be touched for a score.
In adult beginner and intermediate point sparring divisions face contact is NOT allowed. These competitors are not required to wear a facemask, however, if they choose to do so, the facemask is considered a part of the headgear and can be touched for a score.
Face contact IS allowed in adult advanced and black belt point sparring.
Groin contact IS allowed in adult black belt point sparring only.
Throws are NOT allowed, but if a fighter slips, the other fighter has 3 seconds to score on the down fighter. The down fighter CAN also score.
No head contact of ANY kind is allowed to a down fighter.
When judging forms please leave all style bias out of your score.
Judge all forms competitors on the same criteria, regardless of style or school affiliation. Stances – should be solid, no shuffling of feet, good balance. Basics – Strikes and blocks should be strong and crisp, fists and chops made correctly, kicks sharp and chambered. Focus – Eyes should be focused on their targets, not on the ground. Intensity – The form should be performed with intensity, not just going through the motions.
Judge Creative and Contemporary forms on the martial arts aspect of the form, as well as the acrobatic aspect.
Traditional Weapons divisions are not allowed to use foam, rubber or plastic training weapons, with the exception of the 5-8 and 9-11 year old divisions.
When judging, please attempt to not judge your own students when possible.